We are dedicated to disclosing the truth about UFO/UAP from our research, and ensuring global governments disclose their knowledge of UFO/UAP to the public.
/ UAP / UAP Disclosure
Dedicated to UAP Disclosure
We are dedicated to demanding that governments around the world, specifically the United States, reveal the full truth about they know about UFO/UAP and related knowledge about real alien civilizations.
It was admitted by the United States Government in 2017 that UFO's are in fact, real. With this knowledge, we now need to have proof of exactly what UFO's or now UAP, actually may be.
The United States Congress has held 3 public hearings about UFO's, attempting to discern the truth about what is being hidden by the Intelligence Community, the Defense Community, and private aerospace companies in relation to UFO's and retrieved craft and non-human bodies. Congress has also reportedly held classified meetings with whistleblowers and witnesses.
In addition, it has been alleged that alien civilizations are concerned about our nuclear weapons and climate change, which threaten the life generating capacity of planet Earth, since planets like Earth are comparatively rare in the galaxy.
It has also been alleged that alien civilizations might intervene on our planet, if they believe that humanity might destroy ourselves or planet Earth. It has been reported that this may happen by the year 2027, and that those in the Secret Program may be aware of this, and that some are attempting to promote full disclosure before the world is shocked with sudden alien contact and intervention on a global scale, which may cause worldwide hysteria. However, what are the intentions of these aliens?
On July 26, 2023, the United States House of Representatives holds a congressional hearing to investigate claims about UFO's or UAP and government transparency. Three witnesses were called to testify under oath by Congress during this hearing. The witnesses were Ryan Graves, David Grusch, and David Fravor.
On November 13, 2024, the United States House of Representatives holds a congressional hearing to investigate claims about UFO's or UAP and government transparency. Four witnesses were called to testify under oath by Congress during this hearing. The witnesses were Tim Gallaudet, Luis Elizondo, Michael Shellenberger, and Michael Gold.
Follow-Up with Co-Chairwoman and Representative Nancy Mace from the United States House of Representatives discussing the revealed UAP program named Immaculate Constellation, and the need for UAP transparency.
On November 19, 2024, the United States Senate holds a congressional hearing to investigate claims about UFO's or UAP and government transparency. Jon Kosloski was the witness called to testify under oath by Congress during this hearing.
Reed Summers discusses the activities and intentions of the aliens visiting our planet. Reed presents theories as to why these alien species are here and their actions. Ultimately, we need to address the question as to why these alien civilizations are here on Earth.
Join the Exo Solaria Union
Help aid in UAP research, Stay informed on the UAP phenomenon, and to help push the United States government for full disclosure regarding UAP and alien species.