The Exo Solaria Union LLC is a UFO/UAP/Alien Research community that has been created by Brian Done, an amateur astronomer and UFO/UAP/Alien Researcher.
The term "Exo Solaria Union" references the exoplanets outside of our solar system as well as our own solar system at the same time.
The Exo Solaria Union is dedicated to helping reveal what Global Governments know about UFO's, know renamed UAP, and any relation to Alien Civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy, in the Local Group of Galaxies, or even beyond.
We also provide an in-depth analysis of UAP history, technology, witnesses, abductees, researchers, journalists, and possible disclosure.
In addition, we provide our community with a detailed visual star and planet database that includes a list of possible Earth-Like Planets, in an effort to educate and identify planets that are inhabited with alien civilizations.
We invite you to join our community and share your passion and talents to aid us in this grand cause.
Amateur Astronomer, UFO/UAP Researcher, Web Developer
Brian Done is the founder of the Exo Solaria Union, and he considers himself an amateur astronomer, specifically focusing his research on characterizing exoplanets. Brian also holds a bachelor degree and certificate in Web Development.
Brian Done has been passionate about aliens and UFO's since childhood, having read the book Communion by Whitley Strieber, watching movies such as E.T. and Encounters of the Third Kind, as well as watching Star Trek and Star Wars.
Brian Done has a ferocious drive to learn and gain knowledge, and is laser-focused on researching the UFO/UAP phenomenon and the related paradigm of alien civilizations.
Brian Done is dedicated to uncovering the full truth regarding the nature of UFO's and UAP, and whether real aliens have actually visited Earth, or are currently visiting Earth.
Brian Done is also focused on acquiring all of the UAP evidence and data possible using logical critical thinking, to determine the truth, wherever the evidence and data may lead, while still keeping a very open mind to all possibilities.
In addition, Brian Done is dedicated to using his astronomical knowledge by providing detailed information about the stars and exoplanets in the star systems belonging to our Milky Way Galaxy, in an effort to educate, and also to identify exoplanets in our galaxy where real alien civilizations may exist. He also will quantify the claims made in the UFP/UAP community regarding the alleged alien species that are reported to exist in our galaxy with real actual exoplanet data.
Brian Done invites you to join the Exo Solaria Union to help aid him in his UAP research, to stay informed on the UAP phenomenon, and to help push the United States government for full disclosure regarding UAP and alien species.
Brian Done in the video below, introduces the Exo Solaria Union, and why he decided to pursue UFO/UAP research in an effort to uncover the truth. His discusses the topics that he will research and his methods, as well as using his astronomy knowledge to help quantify and identify specific exoplanets that might harbor alien life to help us answer the question: Are Aliens Real?
Join the Exo Solaria Union
Help aid in UAP research, Stay informed on the UAP phenomenon, and to help push the United States government for full disclosure regarding UAP and alien species.