/ Aliens / Human Species

Human Species (Confirmed)
Alternate Names: Humankind, Homo Sapiens
Origin: Sol Star System in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way Galaxy
Home World: Planet Earth (3rd planet from Sol Star)
Biological Features: Various eye colors, standard sized heads, various hair colors and hair lengths, long arms, mouth with lips, protruding nose and ears, minimal body hair, and a range of skin colors.
Lifespan: 80 to 100 years
Species Variations: Wide range of skin colors and ethnicities
Communication: 7,000 spoken languages, some humans claim telepathic abilities
Traits: Spirituality, curiosity, creativity, innovative, peaceful, and war-like
Government: There is no unified global government. Earth is split into 195 separate governments or countries.
Leader: There is no single leader of the Human Species. Each country has its own leader or leaders.
Society: Humans generally do not live alone, isolated from each other. Instead, individuals tend to live in communities with other people related by ethnicity, nationality, religion, or some other cultural element.
History: The earliest modern humans evolving in Africa around 300,000 years ago, initially living as hunter-gatherers, and gradually migrating across the globe, developing complex societies, technologies, and cultures as they adapted to different environments.
Technology Level: Basic
Diplomacy: Humans can be diplomatic but are also very war-like

Human Origin
Humans originate from the planet Earth in the Sol Star System in the Milky Way Galaxy. Earth is the third planet from the Sol Star, orbiting Sol at an average distance of 92,955,807 miles, or 1 AU (Astronomical Unit). Planet Earth is a Lush Class Warm Terran sized planet with 1 large moon.
There are 3 main theories about how Humans originated on planet Earth.
The first theory states that Humans were created by a God and that the Human Species descended from 2 ancestors known as Adam and Eve.
The second theory states that Humans evolved from earlier hominids into modern Humans through natural selection of evolution.
The third theory states that Humans were genetically engineered from ancient Alien Species.

Human Spacecraft
Humans have created a wide array of different spacecraft including sub-orbital shuttles, deep space probes, and orbiters.
Human spacecraft propulsion systems use different types of energy to generate thrust, including chemical, electric, and nuclear.
Chemical propulsion
Liquid-fuel chemical propulsion: Uses liquid fuel to create thrust
Solid fuel chemical propulsion: Uses solid fuel to create thrust
Cold-gas chemical propulsion: Uses cold gas to create thrust
Electric propulsion
Solar electric propulsion: Uses solar arrays to collect energy and generate thrust
Nuclear electric propulsion: Uses a nuclear reactor to collect energy and generate thrust
Electric thrusters: Can be used for a variety of in-space missions, such as station-keeping, orbit insertion, and repositioning spacecraft
Nuclear propulsion
Uses the energy released from nuclear fission or fusion to create thrust
Can be more efficient than chemical rockets
Reaction engines
Most types of spacecraft propulsion are reaction engines, which work by expelling reaction mass
Rocket engines are a type of reaction engine that use a combustion chamber to ignite fuel and oxidizer to produce expanding gases

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