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Writer's pictureBrian Done

Are Aliens Real or Not?

The short answer is that we simply do not know yet if aliens are real or not. We do not have definitive scientific evidence that aliens are real.

However, that being said, there are many people that have purported that aliens have or are, visiting planet Earth, and by extension, that aliens are actually real. We need hard evidence in order to verify that this is actually the case.

There are numerous reports of people interacting with 4 different types of alien beings. The first reported alien being is the classic Gray Alien that is short, has a large head with large black almond-shaped eyes, a slit for a mouth, and two holes for a nose. These aliens are supposedly from either the Zeti Reticuli star system (39.5 light years away), or the GJ 1002 star system (15.3 light years away). The Zeta Reticuli system has had no exoplanets discovered within it to date.

Gray Alien Species

However, the GJ 1002 star system has 1 possible planet that might be habitable. The planet orbits in the habitable zone of the GJ 1002 star where liquid water is possible, given that the planet has a sufficient atmosphere and appropriate temperature. Much more detailed data will be required to determine if the GJ 1002 planet is actually habitable, and whether it actually harbors intelligent life. If this planet is home to the Gray Aliens, that would be amazing, but we will need hard evidence to verify this claim.

The second reported alien being is the Plejaran Alien that is human looking with long blond hair and blue eyes. The Plejarans are supposedly from a planet or planets within the Pleiades Star Cluster located 444.2 light years away.

The third reported alien being is the Mantid Alien that basically resembles a preying mantis. The Mantids are supposedly from a planet or planets in the Draco Constellation located 154.3 light years away.

The fourth reported alien being is the Draco Alien that is reptilian in appearance. There have been no reports of the origin planet for the Draco aliens.

If aliens are indeed real, and they are actually visiting our planet, this would have massive implications for the human species. It would fundamentally shift our world paradigm, and cause us to question what our place in the universe actually may be. This is a very serious question and it needs to be answered.

If aliens are real, that would be fascinating and world shifting. It would rock your world.

If aliens are not real, and we are truly alone, then that would be a terrifying reality.

Statistically, it is highly likely that aliens exist in our Milky Way Galaxy, and throughout the Universe.

The Milky Way contains an estimated 400 billion stars and an estimated 3.2 trillion planets. Of the 3.2 trillion planets, it is estimated that 40 billion are Earth-like planets, capable of supporting life. Of the 40 billion Earth-like planets, it is estimated that 100 Million Alien civilizations exist, just in our Milky Way Galaxy alone.

That being said, these numbers are only estimates. We do not know the actual numbers. The real numbers could be lower or higher.

In conclusion, I believe that aliens are real, even though I do not have direct hard evidence. However, it is my mission to discover the truth about aliens, and the reports of aliens visiting Earth. Show me the evidence. Let's deep dive and research this topic together, and finally discover the real answers and truths related to aliens.

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