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Writer's pictureBrian Done

Is there any proof of UFOs?

The question of whether there is any proof of UFO's being real is a loaded question. By definition, a UFO is simply any unidentified flying object. Hence, a UFO could be anything from a misidentified aircraft, natural phenomenon, or even possibly an alien spacecraft.

In most people's minds, when you ask the question about whether there is proof of UFO's existing, they are thinking about alien spacecraft. UFO's have become the mysterious name for alien spacecraft. Thus, we have plenty of proof that UFO's themselves are real, but we do not yet have hard physical evidence that some UFO's are actual alien spacecraft.

Fictional UFO Sighting Example

However, that does not rule out the possibility that some UFO's may actually be alien spacecraft. Until all UFO sightings have been full investigated and all data acquired, we cannot say that some UFO's are not real alien spacecraft. If even 1% or less of reported UFO sightings actually turn out to be alien spacecraft, then that would be world shifting.

Let's turn to some statistics about UFO sightings and reports. During Project Blue Book between 1947 to 1969, the United States Air Force investigated UFO sightings. Project Blue Book received about 12,618 UFO reports that they needed to investigate. Of these 12,618 UFO reports, 701 of these UFO reports remained unidentified! That means that 5% of all UFO reports received during Project Blue Book have the possibility that some of them might be actual alien spacecraft. However, we still do not know. We must continue to investigate to attempt to identify those 701 UFO sightings.

Now, let's just say that of those 701 UFO sightings, only 1 of those was a true sighting of an actual alien spacecraft? That would be absolutely incredible! We cannot rule out the possibility that some UFO sightings may actually be alien spacecraft. Furthermore, we cannot blindly believe that all UFO sightings are actually alien spacecraft. We must pursue the data, discover hard evidence, and attempt to truly find a solution to each reported UFO sighting.

The Exo Solaria Union is dedicated to objectively researching all UFO sightings. That is a major task and will take many years, but we believe that it is our duty to pursue the truth of UFO sightings. We want to know the hard truth about UFO's, wherever that truth actually takes us. Would it be amazing to find hard evidence of an actual alien spacecraft? Sure it would! But we must use our critical thinking skills and detective skills to fully investigate UFO sightings, and not just blindly assume that any UFO sighting that is reported means its aliens.

In conclusion, if you have had a UFO sighting, we ask that you please report it to us, so that we can investigate it, and document it on our website.

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