I wanted to inform you that a new whistleblower named Jake Barber has come forward with new evidence about UFO's and the related Secret United States UFO Crash Retrieval Program.
Jake has come forward to Ross Coulthart at NewsNation about his experiences in the secret UFO crash retrieval program, and also provided video footage of an alleged metallic pearly white egg-shaped UFO craft that Jake and his team helped to recover.
Jake Barber, worked for the United States Air Force Special Operations, the United States Defense Department, the United States Intelligence Community, and a private contractor for over 30 years, since the 1990's, in an official and unofficial capacity.
Jake Barber alleges that he was involved in the recovery of an egg-shaped alien craft as the pilot of a military helicopter, while he was working for a secret UFO retrieval program for the United States Government. Jake piloted the helicopter that retrieved the UFO craft and helped leak this secret retrieval footage. In the footage, there is a 150-foot long line that dangles from the helicopter and is holding the egg in a cradle.

Jake describes the UFO object thus, “I saw an egg, a white egg. Just visually looking at the object on the ground, you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous. It was not human. It’s inconsistent with anything I’d ever seen before. I can also tell you that the reaction by my team, we all knew we were dealing with something extraordinary.”
Jake has also reported his experiences and footage to the United States Congress and to ARRO (All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office). Jake and his team are fearful for their lives. They have since left their former contractor employer and have started their own private organization named Skywatcher to help expose more UFO's and bring more footage to the public.
Jake has also reported that the secret program has a team of psionics that use theirs psychic powers to connect with UFO craft and summon them to Earth to land, so that the secret program can acquire them.
While there has been a lot negative responses from the UFO community regarding the quality of this UFO footage, the community should be grateful for the information that Jake Barber has provided to the public, and the footage. He has risked his life to bring this footage to the public, and he has promised to bring even more compelling footage out as he can.
I know that we all want the holy grail of UFO footage and absolute proof of alien life, but we must be patient. I understand that the UFO community has been waiting for over 70 years for proof of alien life, but again, we must be patient. We must be professional in our approach to the UFO subject.
Finally, if you would like to watch the footage of the egg-shaped UFO craft that Jake Barber released, you can watch the UFO footage here.