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Exploration of UFO/UAP Craft Propulsion Technology

/ UAP / UAP Propulsion Technology

 Sudden & Instant Acceleration Technology

Sudden & Instant Acceleration Technology

UAP appear to move in a manner that they are capable of maneuvering suddenly, deliberately and sometimes in the opposite direction at high acceleration. 

In some cases, these maneuvers involve a change in direction and acceleration equivalent to thousands of g-forces, which is well beyond the limitations of any biological human to withstand. Humans can only withstand up to a maximum of 9 g-forces. The anticipated effects of these g-forces on material defy our current technological ability to manufacture.

Gravitational field generating propulsion may explain this acceleration capability, which may also explain how the crew are protected from extreme g-forces.

Hypersonic Velocities Without Signatures Technology

Hypersonic Velocities Without Signatures Technology

UAP appear to be traveling well beyond supersonic speeds and yet leave no obvious signature behind. For context, supersonic speed is the speed of an object that exceeds the speed of sound, or Mach 1 or roughly 768 miles per hour.


Traditional aircraft normally include acoustic, heat, and electromagnetic signatures, which are recognized as a sonic boom, vapor contrails, and atmospheric ionization.  Currently, even the world’s most advanced military and reconnaissance aircraft have detectible signatures.

Low Observability Technology

Low Observability Technology

Whether a UAP is being viewed electro-optically, electromagnetically, or through the naked eye, the inability to gain a clear image or video remains elusive.  Descriptions of UAP by witnesses are often difficult to describe, and radar returns often come back nonsensical or even jammed. 


UAP craft generally appear opaque and semi-metallic in nature, both in images, video, and in person. In several cases it is nearly impossible to actually see the UAP, and instead reports often include what is seen “around” the object. This may be due to the possible propulsion system of UAP that is somehow bending light due to a gravitational bubble effect around the UAP craft itself.

 Positive Lift Technology

Positive Lift Technology

UAP apparently have the ability to resist the natural effects of Earth's gravity, all the while displaying no control surfaces that are normally needed for aerodynamic lift and thrust for normal aircraft.

UAP have no obvious signs of propulsion, including engines, propellers, exhaust plumes, or flight control surfaces like wings, rudders, ailerons, and fins, but yet UAP are still able to move in a very precise way in our atmosphere, despite not having any of those characteristics.


This positive lift ability probably is also related to the gravitational field propulsion system that UAP are alleged to possess.

 Magnetohydrodynamics Technology

Magnetohydrodynamics Technology

Stanton Friedman believed that UAP spacecraft were consistent with what is known as magnetohydrodynamic propulsion.

In physics and engineering, magnetohydrodynamics, which is also called magneto-fluid dynamics or hydro­magnetics, is a model of electrically conducting fluids that treats all interpenetrating particle species together as a single continuous medium.

It is primarily concerned with the low-frequency, large-scale, magnetic behavior in plasmas and liquid metals and has applications in multiple fields including space physics, geophysics, astrophysics, and engineering. 

The plasma making up the Sun can be modeled as a magnetohydrodynamic system.

Element Fuel Source Technology

Element Fuel Source Technology

According to Bob Lazar, element 115 on the periodic table was the fuel source that powered the UFO craft being held at S4, where he worked. He said that element 115 does not naturally occur on planet Earth, and he also stated that element 115 was a dark copper color and was slightly rough to the touch.

Inside the UFO craft reactor, element 115 is bombarded with protons in a small, high sophisticated particle accelerator. When a proton fuses into the nucleus of an element 115 nucleus, it becomes element 116. Immediately, element 116 begins to decay and produces 2 anti-protons, which are a form of anti-matter.


Gravity Wave Amplifying Technology

Bob Lazar said that the UFO craft contained 3 gravity wave amplifiers which pulsed sequentially, in a counter-clockwise direction.

By changing the phase and direction of the gravity waves, and the number of gravity wave amplifiers turned on at a given moment, the craft could achieve lift and hover, propel itself through the atmosphere of a planet, or speed through interstellar space. 

When all 3 gravity amplifiers are turned on, this configuration encases the UFO craft in a gravity bubble, allowing it to travel to targets in interstellar space. It also makes the UFO craft virtually invisible, since the light from behind the craft bends around it.


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We also provide an in-depth analysis of UAP history, technology, witnesses, abductees, researchers, journalists, and possible disclosure.


In addition, we provide our community with a detailed visual star and planet database that includes a list of possible Earth-Like Planets, in an effort to educate and identify planets that are inhabited with alien civilizations.


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